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88.341999) - (end 157.226 88.392) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 5) - (uuid "fbc76e4e-ccc6-4d21-8a97-78ae982def3d") - ) - (segment - (start 132.0546 78.052) - (end 130.88 78.052) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 5) - (uuid "fe309dfa-3823-4060-b9dd-87937861a46c") - ) - (segment - (start 143.683 76.2) - (end 143.645 76.162) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 16) - (uuid "180a0784-3512-4d34-9758-6d29234e03c5") - ) - (segment - (start 135.8906 78.052) - (end 137.9966 75.946) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 16) - (uuid "7aa2e406-a76d-4498-8d9e-7fedb61f2020") - ) - (segment - (start 137.9966 75.946) - (end 143.683 75.946) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 16) - (uuid "bac8c663-9e8d-41b3-aeb2-732d035cab79") - ) - (segment - (start 134.6454 78.052) - (end 135.8906 78.052) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 16) - (uuid "e175e2ba-ee31-4503-a969-93ce598d441b") - ) - (segment - (start 128.492 76.454) - (end 129.1502 77.1122) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 17) - (uuid "6e23ef4a-860e-426d-80c2-28b72d434d58") - ) - (segment - (start 129.1502 77.1122) - (end 131.3246 77.1122) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 17) - (uuid "6e8e724d-f342-4959-8cef-b65351b63720") - ) - (segment - (start 128.492 76.2) - (end 128.492 76.454) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 17) - (uuid "8435361d-6ecb-4861-b128-5f8f173096e2") - ) - (segment - (start 136.7812 78.9918) - (end 137.5065 78.2665) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "1b206b81-ae05-4a4b-955a-aa98ef80933c") - ) - (segment - (start 139.4435 78.2665) - (end 139.663 78.486) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "36e99f4d-41b6-4821-9a1f-4dd199707263") - ) - (segment - (start 134.6454 78.9918) - (end 136.7812 78.9918) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "6325f27c-73f6-46bd-bc0c-a9361ca6b8fc") - ) - (segment - (start 143.4265 78.486) - (end 143.6805 78.74) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "7c3fe72e-4913-4d9d-b9a2-88287491ed4e") - ) - (segment - (start 137.5065 78.2665) - (end 139.4435 78.2665) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "83efc069-478b-4ea3-ac0a-acd5c8c27878") - ) - (segment - (start 139.917 78.74) - (end 139.4435 78.2665) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "b8b1e896-47ff-43e7-8767-3a97272d11d5") - ) - (segment - (start 143.6805 78.74) - (end 139.917 78.74) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "d75bf857-ec38-4e32-b215-ed6689dd25ce") - ) - (segment - (start 143.6805 78.9915) - (end 143.678 78.994) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 18) - (uuid "f864f238-9f98-4546-a720-e74be26553ff") - ) - (segment - (start 163.273551 83.84519) - (end 156.845 90.273741) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "02ae44ec-1f59-49e4-b1cd-4c12f8765201") - ) - (segment - (start 156.845 97.155) - (end 154.686 99.314) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "16399900-5d17-4cd3-aa7e-993068dcb2c1") - ) - (segment - (start 162.769089 72.401089) - (end 162.769089 75.712208) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "177656fd-aaa1-4610-993d-b8dff59d4b63") - ) - (segment - (start 162.769089 72.401089) - (end 162.769089 71.075089) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "35cf91a8-4004-4a66-990a-0202feb8479b") - ) - (segment - (start 116.234906 82.8548) - (end 117.9068 82.8548) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "4c0ff9ba-c6cd-43d4-a13e-6efa6afe00b6") - ) - (segment - (start 162.769089 75.712208) - (end 163.273551 76.21667) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "4cd7496f-cd5e-43d8-97ec-0602631f6058") - ) - (segment - (start 163.273551 76.21667) - (end 162.814 76.676221) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "5534b7b2-9f07-4bfd-82d5-f2a25866ac2f") - ) - (segment - (start 156.845 90.273741) - (end 156.845 97.155) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "5aa90274-b2a0-407d-8279-a36675f8e831") - ) - (segment - (start 125.05 89.998) - (end 125.05 94.996) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "91e8916b-1f8b-4472-9561-189a2703d028") - ) - (segment - (start 117.9068 82.8548) - (end 125.05 89.998) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "a835e321-9852-4f9e-911e-5a0e87b91d4b") - ) - (segment - (start 159.269089 68.901089) - (end 162.769089 72.401089) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "ad9abd51-749c-424d-85e2-09b5b2986220") - ) - (segment - (start 163.273551 72.905551) - (end 162.769089 72.401089) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "b47655c7-11b7-41a4-b059-c96eb9124b5a") - ) - (segment - (start 116.002448 83.087258) - (end 116.234906 82.8548) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "b8d35ae0-7a0d-4280-811c-5d0788c5bdcb") - ) - (segment - (start 159.269089 66.338911) - (end 159.269089 68.901089) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "bb81b5c0-5d98-4c91-a795-6e084825ef6a") - ) - (segment - (start 129.368 99.314) - (end 125.05 94.996) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "dadcc9c5-fe08-44a9-a722-8d59491be6ba") - ) - (segment - (start 163.273551 76.21667) - (end 163.273551 83.84519) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "f151d578-8b96-4027-bbba-d2644d0dbf89") - ) - (segment - (start 154.686 99.314) - (end 129.368 99.314) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 19) - (uuid "fa1fbfe8-5ab2-478a-bd88-16fac342d666") - ) - (segment - (start 147.6805 78.9915) - (end 147.6805 76.2025) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "297e6416-0d13-4d71-b788-bb2ad9fc3da4") - ) - (segment - (start 145.542 62.738) - (end 147.32 60.96) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "346c200e-bff5-40fc-a570-091c917eed9e") - ) - (segment - (start 147.6805 78.74) - (end 147.6805 81.5265) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "4679fcfe-240e-491e-9a8c-129656adcbd9") - ) - (segment - (start 147.683 74.41563) - (end 145.542 72.27463) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "56973b30-b30b-4350-9f2b-f9249bfd0823") - ) - (segment - (start 147.6805 81.5265) - (end 147.683 81.529) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "60607742-42b8-47ef-b376-50bce028d307") - ) - (segment - (start 147.6805 76.2025) - (end 147.683 76.2) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "612dea42-9d59-4ee8-bf33-e96d9337e8bf") - ) - (segment - (start 147.683 75.946) - (end 147.683 74.41563) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "8f33f661-8b3e-4d67-84ca-881c199d73c1") - ) - (segment - (start 145.542 72.27463) - (end 145.542 62.738) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 20) - (uuid "ca0e7110-21a6-44eb-9ec4-71569452e676") - ) - (segment - (start 156.706911 73.874911) - (end 156.706911 75.901089) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 21) - (uuid "31b11b69-bc3b-4b24-8033-551503447853") - ) - (segment - (start 156.706911 75.901089) - (end 159.022492 78.21667) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 21) - (uuid "3e757083-bfc3-4185-aca2-99645ce02178") - ) - (segment - (start 159.022492 78.21667) - (end 159.809449 78.21667) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 21) - (uuid "4076acfb-4872-4b39-b3d7-bf8ab619c94d") - ) - (segment - (start 153.206911 69.838911) - (end 153.206911 70.374911) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 21) - (uuid "7d8d71d6-6704-4cdd-9d99-dac259ae8942") - ) - (segment - (start 154.362 63.754) - (end 154.362 68.683822) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 21) - (uuid "9f8612e2-e10e-43e0-be2f-545277a4e409") - ) - (segment - (start 153.206911 70.374911) - (end 156.706911 73.874911) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 21) - (uuid "acf64109-bebb-47bc-a617-50a3b762a0b4") - ) - (segment - (start 154.362 68.683822) - (end 153.206911 69.838911) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 21) - (uuid "d2e9a881-1bcf-4ece-906d-2f432e8026bb") - ) - (segment - (start 148.449515 89.294485) - (end 143.41626 84.261231) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "00b67ead-6a90-4384-99ed-3cffd1893035") - ) - (segment - (start 156.426 87.668) - (end 156.426 85.20194) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "2dc0427b-b2fb-4a59-b884-8d4de271088c") - ) - (segment - (start 149.86 73.66) - (end 147.32 71.12) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "3c2c9868-4d9d-4c05-9beb-53201d9324da") - ) - (segment - (start 149.86 78.63594) - (end 149.86 73.66) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "79d59286-dc61-4d48-8349-110b51cdf533") - ) - (segment - (start 127.416455 84.261231) - (end 126.060859 85.616827) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "7fedb93b-2cf2-4133-8e00-c4e98402b859") - ) - (segment - (start 153.543 90.551) - (end 156.426 87.668) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "9f5ffe38-e5be-416d-94e7-ff8285edaa4b") - ) - (segment - (start 149.70603 90.551) - (end 153.543 90.551) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "a80aa16b-aa83-4f5b-892b-51ff0346c545") - ) - (segment - (start 143.41626 84.261231) - (end 127.416455 84.261231) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "b8220572-ae6a-4f13-bc7a-09f0df484a33") - ) - (segment - (start 148.449515 89.294485) - (end 149.70603 90.551) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "c006eece-9434-42c2-9ed2-076b0d332628") - ) - (segment - (start 156.426 85.20194) - (end 149.86 78.63594) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 22) - (uuid "c97e3e37-ef4d-4409-96d2-3d595853da98") - ) - (segment - (start 145.796 73.914) - (end 145.796 83.439) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 23) - (uuid "0b6feda8-e12e-4c3f-a97b-bb936eff8dce") - ) - (segment - (start 148.244495 85.887495) - (end 153.3144 85.887495) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 23) - (uuid "0eb2550e-0863-48d3-b048-a10593701770") - ) - (segment - (start 132.085 71.12) - (end 132.847 70.358) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 23) - (uuid "6754f61b-a61d-41c2-8043-57a43d46c994") - ) - (segment - (start 145.796 83.439) - (end 148.244495 85.887495) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 23) - (uuid "a5d03da1-cfe9-4750-aac1-e22a847f4178") - ) - (segment - (start 132.847 70.358) - (end 142.24 70.358) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 23) - (uuid "cf327ce2-8da1-4986-9294-4b030856f477") - ) - (segment - (start 142.24 70.358) - (end 145.796 73.914) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 23) - (uuid "e0ccc5d9-48c7-4b77-a1b6-f5cb8e29b80a") - ) - (segment - (start 150.964 62.904) - (end 151.962 62.904) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 24) - (uuid "117bc49f-040e-45ef-861c-f88a24064f2d") - ) - (segment - (start 152.146 62.72) - (end 151.962 62.904) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 24) - (uuid "2606f306-09fe-4a4c-bc9b-b6a8b44301c0") - ) - (segment - (start 150.368 63.5) - (end 150.964 62.904) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 24) - (uuid "7a37e159-f25a-4665-a22a-3cda57bfa4db") - ) - (segment - (start 152.146 60.166) - (end 152.146 62.72) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 24) - (uuid "c9e7515e-a496-44e7-8ddf-18ffe62d21f3") - ) - (segment - (start 151.892 62.834) - (end 151.962 62.904) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 24) - (uuid "d982ce5f-6664-45fd-ab04-7ccc98a9969d") - ) - (segment - (start 147.32 63.5) - (end 150.368 63.5) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 24) - (uuid "ed286839-2a78-49ab-9e75-c159c31b2963") - ) - (segment - (start 115.198544 79.980443) - (end 124.462443 79.980443) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "0a5ea309-a4a9-4ee5-a67a-948c48737455") - ) - (segment - (start 133.318 78.903) - (end 133.318 77.265) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "2b6f4fdd-0fdd-415d-85ab-b4d34c79e931") - ) - (segment - (start 133.318 77.265) - (end 133.4708 77.1122) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "4e9afa88-3f3a-4011-b951-894e42609dc6") - ) - (segment - (start 124.492 75.787) - (end 124.492 76.454) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "5c378395-e6bc-4ba3-9938-89644f12e0b3") - ) - (segment - (start 133.2292 78.9918) - (end 133.318 78.903) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "6551d0fd-78f0-4296-89e9-c0705be5cb63") - ) - (segment - (start 134.6454 77.1122) - (end 133.8812 77.1122) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "66e50189-04d2-4e40-8a15-bb7315154bd1") - ) - (segment - (start 124.462443 79.980443) - (end 124.492 80.01) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "836d4689-3735-4c68-8ff9-4b24d9cb1be5") - ) - (segment - (start 124.492 76.454) - (end 124.492 80.01) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "99fe74b7-f6e9-463d-a6a5-50db7483a37c") - ) - (segment - (start 134.6454 77.1122) - (end 133.4708 77.1122) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "9ded4c2a-452a-4f64-ac8f-cc9b1f182079") - ) - (segment - (start 133.8812 77.1122) - (end 131.064 74.295) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "a0c03ee3-83c3-445f-b005-2870b7c9f146") - ) - (segment - (start 132.0546 78.9918) - (end 133.2292 78.9918) - (width 0.4) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "cbb18e9e-2b06-4f62-93d5-08cfdcf592d7") - ) - (segment - (start 114.689805 80.489182) - (end 115.198544 79.980443) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "d1203e7d-9efc-4269-888c-5b30f0e38bd8") - ) - (segment - (start 125.984 74.295) - (end 124.492 75.787) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "d92d20b5-bf34-4db2-bf7c-efe60a37704c") - ) - (segment - (start 131.064 74.295) - (end 125.984 74.295) - (width 0.5) - (layer "F.Cu") - (net 26) - (uuid "f2f75a81-ffee-4feb-9338-c731f43b5d99") - ) - (group "" - (uuid "2e5b77f3-b8db-40c5-b98f-d3dba380cae5") - (members "1d10cac5-7ba4-42e9-bf89-2be76d62bd64" "30cccef3-407d-4fb1-a99b-624d2af57c36" - "32028606-5bcf-40d3-b559-fd5ce407543f" "46721fb3-cfd4-4b56-aa09-7075e01f741f" - "773ea1ef-ab44-42d3-8be1-a97cf4d5ac60" "8cfd374b-df8a-40a1-a38b-901da546d1df" - "94e3ac55-8307-4c9f-bc07-38a604a48aa1" "adfcb042-28ba-4a76-8bbe-2147f398102a" - "af230d11-9b29-459a-ae59-2503b76d11b6" "b9f7038f-7819-4837-9e3d-570ba4021a16" - "c544aa2d-be7e-44a5-afe9-0589fa65b6d6" "f5aa7db8-c0c5-42c8-9187-1c536a4ec80c" - ) - ) -) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/pcb/hexcell/fp-info-cache b/pcb/hexcell/fp-info-cache index 99b3133232a339291c806a68f7b8bd8b4ba45d84..712dc8ff9565e853748b2bef166f25ae2ee035f7 100644 --- a/pcb/hexcell/fp-info-cache +++ b/pcb/hexcell/fp-info-cache @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -23337401431362421 +23432979448531869 Audio_Module Reverb_BTDR-1H Digital Reverberation Unit, http://www.belton.co.kr/inc/downfile.php?seq=17&file=pdf (footprint from http://www.uk-electronic.de/PDF/BTDR-1.pdf) @@ -2073,7 +2073,7 @@ NKK NR01 SP3T SP4T SP5T 7 Button_Switch_THT SW_PUSH-12mm -SW PUSH 12mm https://www.e-switch.com/system/asset/product_line/data_sheet/143/TL1100.pdf +Generic SW PUSH 12mm, e.g https://sten-eswitch-13110800-production.s3.amazonaws.com/system/asset/product_line/data_sheet/143/TL1100.pdf tact sw push 12mm 0 4 @@ -2101,7 +2101,7 @@ PHAP3362A 6mm tact sw THT 2 Button_Switch_THT SW_PUSH_6mm -https://www.omron.com/ecb/products/pdf/en-b3f.pdf +Generic 6mm SW tactile push button tact sw push 6mm 0 4 @@ -2261,6 +2261,20 @@ IP67 ultra-miniture horizontal 8 6 Button_Switch_THT +SW_SPST_Omron_B3F-40xx +SW_THT_Tactile_Omron_B3F-40xx, 12x12 mm, Through hole switch from the B3F Family manufactured by Omron, https://www.omron.com/ecb/products/pdf/en-b3f.pdf +tactile switch THT button push B3F-4000 B3F-4050 B3F-4005 B3F-4055 +0 +4 +2 +Button_Switch_THT +SW_SPST_Omron_B3F-50xx +SW_THT_Tactile_Omron_B3F-50xx, 12x12x7,3 mm, Through hole switch from the B3F Family manufactured by Omron, https://www.omron.com/ecb/products/pdf/en-b3f.pdf +tactile omron switch tht B3F-5000 B3F-5050 B3F-5001 B3F-5051 +0 +4 +2 +Button_Switch_THT SW_SPST_Omron_B3F-315x_Angled tactile switch, 7.3mm x 6.25mm x 7.4mm, right angle, https://omronfs.omron.com/en_US/ecb/products/pdf/en-b3f.pdf tactile switch Omron B3F right angle through hole @@ -58625,6 +58639,55 @@ Inductor Sorede SNR 2 2 Inductor_SMD +L_SXN_SMDRI62 +Inductor, SXN, SMDRI62, 6.5x6.8x3.0mm, https://www.sxndz.com/upload/202108/16/202108161607454319.pdf +Inductor sxn smdri +0 +2 +2 +Inductor_SMD +L_SXN_SMDRI64 +Inductor, SXN, SMDRI64, 6.5x6.8x5.0mm, https://www.sxndz.com/upload/202108/16/202108161607454319.pdf +Inductor sxn smdri +0 +2 +2 +Inductor_SMD +L_SXN_SMDRI73 +Inductor, SXN, SMDRI73, 7.5x7.5x3.4mm, https://www.sxndz.com/upload/202108/16/202108161607454319.pdf +Inductor sxn smdri +0 +2 +2 +Inductor_SMD +L_SXN_SMDRI74 +Inductor, SXN, SMDRI74, 7.5x7.5x4.5mm, https://www.sxndz.com/upload/202108/16/202108161607454319.pdf +Inductor sxn smdri +0 +2 +2 +Inductor_SMD +L_SXN_SMDRI124 +Inductor, SXN, SMDRI124, 12.3x12.3x4.5mm, https://www.sxndz.com/upload/202108/16/202108161607454319.pdf +Inductor sxn smdri +0 +2 +2 +Inductor_SMD +L_SXN_SMDRI125 +Inductor, SXN, SMDRI125, 12.3x12.3x6.0mm, https://www.sxndz.com/upload/202108/16/202108161607454319.pdf +Inductor sxn smdri +0 +2 +2 +Inductor_SMD +L_SXN_SMDRI127 +Inductor, SXN, SMDRI127, 12.3x12.3x8.0mm, https://www.sxndz.com/upload/202108/16/202108161607454319.pdf +Inductor sxn smdri +0 +2 +2 +Inductor_SMD L_Sagami_CER1242B Inductor, Sagami, h=4.5mm, http://www.sagami-elec.co.jp/file/CER1242B-CER1257B-CER1277B.pdf inductor sagami cer12xxb smd @@ -62538,6 +62601,13 @@ dual led smd 4 4 LED_SMD +LED_Kingbright_APA1606_1.6x0.6mm_Horizontal +Right angled LED, 1.6x1.2 mm, H0.6 mm +LED chip right angled vertical +0 +2 +2 +LED_SMD LED_Kingbright_APDA3020VBCD LED, SMD, APDA3020VBC/D, https://www.kingbrightusa.com/images/catalog/SPEC/APDA3020VBC-D.pdf LED APDA3020VBC/D Kingbright @@ -67935,6 +68005,13 @@ BGA 5 0.5 YZP 5 5 Package_BGA +Texas_DSBGA-5_1.5855x1.6365mm_Layout3x2_P0.5mm +Texas Instruments, DSBGA, area grid, YTA0005 pad definition, 1.5855x1.6365mm, 5 Ball, 3x2 Layout, 0.5mm Pitch, https://www.ti.com/lit/ml/mxbg263/mxbg263.pdf, https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm74.pdf#page=24 +BGA 5 0.5 YTA +0 +5 +5 +Package_BGA Texas_DSBGA-6_0.9x1.4mm_Layout2x3_P0.5mm Texas Instruments, DSBGA, 0.9x1.4mm, 6 bump 2x3 (perimeter) array, NSMD pad definition (http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ts5a3159a.pdf) Texas Instruments DSBGA BGA YZP R-XBGA-N6 @@ -69693,15 +69770,8 @@ DFN 0.4 6 Package_DFN_QFN DFN-8-1EP_2x2mm_P0.5mm_EP0.6x1.2mm -DFN, 8 Pin (https://www.qorvo.com/products/d/da001879), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py -DFN NoLead -0 -11 -9 -Package_DFN_QFN -DFN-8-1EP_2x2mm_P0.5mm_EP0.7x1.3mm -DFN, 8 Pin (https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/NUF4401MN-D.PDF#page=6), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py -DFN NoLead +DFN, 8 Pin (https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/506AQ.PDF), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py +DFN NoLead 506AQ 0 13 9 @@ -69776,6 +69846,13 @@ DFN NoLead 13 9 Package_DFN_QFN +DFN-8-1EP_3x2mm_P0.5mm_EP1.7x1.6mm +DFN, 8 Pin (https://www.monolithicpower.com/en/documentview/productdocument/index/version/2/document_type/Datasheet/lang/en/sku/MP8904DD/document_id/1244/), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py +DFN NoLead +0 +13 +9 +Package_DFN_QFN DFN-8-1EP_3x2mm_P0.5mm_EP1.36x1.46mm 8-Lead Plastic Dual Flat, No Lead Package (8MA2) - 2x3x0.6 mm Body (http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/20005010F.pdf) DFN 0.5 @@ -69818,6 +69895,13 @@ DFN 0.5 13 9 Package_DFN_QFN +DFN-8-1EP_3x3mm_P0.65mm_EP1.5x2.25mm +DFN, 8 Pin (https://www.diodes.com/assets/Package-Files/U-DFN3030-8-Type-E.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py +DFN NoLead +0 +13 +9 +Package_DFN_QFN DFN-8-1EP_3x3mm_P0.65mm_EP1.7x2.05mm DFN, 8 Pin (http://www.ixysic.com/home/pdfs.nsf/www/IX4426-27-28.pdf/$file/IX4426-27-28.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py DFN NoLead @@ -70049,13 +70133,6 @@ DFN 0.5 23 15 Package_DFN_QFN -DFN-14-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.86x3.6mm -DFN14, 4x4, 0.5P; CASE 506CM (see ON Semiconductor 506CM.PDF) -DFN 0.5 -0 -23 -15 -Package_DFN_QFN DFN-14_1.35x3.5mm_P0.5mm DFN, 14 Pin (https://m.littelfuse.com/media?resourcetype=datasheets&itemid=9fbe09c9-efee-4022-a889-ca0005cd9b07&filename=littelfuse-tvs-diode-array-sp3012-datasheet#page=5), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py DFN NoLead @@ -70539,6 +70616,13 @@ dfn udfn dual flat 8 8 Package_DFN_QFN +OnSemi_UDFN-14-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.7x3.4mm +OnSemi UDFN, 14 Pin (https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/506CM.PDF), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py +OnSemi UDFN NoLead +0 +24 +15 +Package_DFN_QFN OnSemi_UDFN-16-1EP_1.35x3.3mm_P0.4mm_EP0.4x2.8mm OnSemi UDFN, 16 Pin (https://www.onsemi.com/pdf/datasheet/cm1624-d.pdf#page=7), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py OnSemi UDFN NoLead @@ -73171,13 +73255,6 @@ TI RNR0011A 20 11 Package_DFN_QFN -Texas_VSON-HR-8_1.5x2mm_P0.5mm -Texas VSON-HR, 8 Pin (http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps62823.pdf#page=29), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py -Texas VSON-HR NoLead -0 -8 -8 -Package_DFN_QFN Texas_WQFN-MR-100_3x3-DapStencil http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=szza059&fileType=pdf,http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=mpqf258&fileType=pdf,http://www.ti.com/general/docs/lit/getliterature.tsp?baseLiteratureNumber=LPPD235&fileType=pdf MultiRow QFN @@ -73297,6 +73374,13 @@ QFN 0.65 21 17 Package_DFN_QFN +UQFN-16_1.8x2.6mm_P0.4mm +UQFN, 16 Pin (https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/ts3a5017.pdf#page=28), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py +UQFN NoLead +0 +16 +16 +Package_DFN_QFN UQFN-20-1EP_3x3mm_P0.4mm_EP1.85x1.85mm UQFN, 20 Pin (http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/PackagingSpec/00000049BQ.pdf#page=332), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py UQFN NoLead @@ -77806,8 +77890,8 @@ MSOP SO 11 Package_SO MSOP-10_3x3mm_P0.5mm -10-Lead Plastic Micro Small Outline Package (MS) [MSOP] (see Microchip Packaging Specification 00000049BS.pdf) -SSOP 0.5 +MSOP, 10 Pin (https://www.jedec.org/system/files/docs/mo-187F.pdf variant BA), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py +MSOP SO 0 10 10 @@ -77981,26 +78065,33 @@ PowerPAK SO-8 Single 5 Package_SO QSOP-16_3.9x4.9mm_P0.635mm -16-Lead Plastic Shrink Small Outline Narrow Body (QR)-.150" Body [QSOP] (see Microchip Packaging Specification 00000049BS.pdf) -SSOP 0.635 +QSOP, 16 Pin (https://pdfserv.maximintegrated.com/package_dwgs/21-0055.PDF), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py +QSOP SO 0 16 16 Package_SO QSOP-20_3.9x8.7mm_P0.635mm -20-Lead Plastic Shrink Small Outline Narrow Body (http://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/ADuM7640_7641_7642_7643.pdf) -QSOP 0.635 +QSOP, 20 Pin (https://pdfserv.maximintegrated.com/package_dwgs/21-0055.PDF), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py +QSOP SO 0 20 20 Package_SO QSOP-24_3.9x8.7mm_P0.635mm -24-Lead Plastic Shrink Small Outline Narrow Body (QR)-.150" Body [QSOP] (see Microchip Packaging Specification 00000049CH.pdf) -QSOP 0.635 +QSOP, 24 Pin (https://pdfserv.maximintegrated.com/package_dwgs/21-0055.PDF), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py +QSOP SO 0 24 24 Package_SO +QSOP-28_3.9x9.9mm_P0.635mm +QSOP, 28 Pin (https://pdfserv.maximintegrated.com/package_dwgs/21-0055.PDF), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py +QSOP SO +0 +28 +28 +Package_SO SO-4_4.4x2.3mm_P1.27mm 4-Lead Plastic Small Outline (SO), see http://datasheet.octopart.com/OPIA403BTRE-Optek-datasheet-5328560.pdf SO SOIC 1.27 @@ -78087,7 +78178,7 @@ SO SO Package_SO SO-16_3.9x9.9mm_P1.27mm SO, 16 Pin (https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/package-information/SOT109-1.pdf), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_gullwing_generator.py -SO SO +SO SO SOT109-1 0 16 16 @@ -79520,6 +79611,13 @@ HSOIC SO 23 9 Package_SO +Texas_S-PDSO-G8_3x3mm_P0.65mm +plastic small outline, https://www.ti.com/lit/ml/mpds028d/mpds028d.pdf, https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/dac8552.pdf#page=23 +DGK VSSOP SO +0 +8 +8 +Package_SO VSO-40_7.6x15.4mm_P0.762mm VSO40: plastic very small outline package; 40 leads (see NXP SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-REFLOW.pdf and sot158-1_po.pdf) SSOP 0.762 @@ -79898,6 +79996,13 @@ USON NoLead DRY0006A 6 6 Package_SON +Texas_VSON-HR-8_1.5x2mm_P0.5mm +Texas VSON-HR, 8 Pin (http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps62823.pdf#page=29), generated with kicad-footprint-generator ipc_noLead_generator.py +Texas VSON-HR NoLead +0 +8 +8 +Package_SON Texas_X2SON-4_1x1mm_P0.65mm X2SON 5 pin 1x1mm package (Reference Datasheet: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/sbvs193d/sbvs193d.pdf Reference part: TPS383x) [StepUp generated footprint] X2SON @@ -84539,6 +84644,13 @@ ESP32-WROOM-32D 60 39 RF_Module +ESP32-WROOM-32E +2.4 GHz WiÂ-Fi and Bluetooth 5 (LE) module: https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-32e_esp32-wroom-32ue_datasheet_en.pdf +Bluetooth WiFi Wi-Fi ESP32 WROOM Xtensa LX6 +0 +59 +39 +RF_Module ESP32-WROOM-32U Single 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo chip with U.FL connector, https://www.espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/esp32-wroom-32d_esp32-wroom-32u_datasheet_en.pdf Single 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo chip @@ -84700,6 +84812,13 @@ rf module lora lorawan 47 47 RF_Module +Raytac_MDBT42Q +Multiprotocol radio SoC module https://www.raytac.com/download/index.php?index_id=27 +wireless 2.4 GHz Bluetooth ble zigbee 802.15.4 thread nordic raytac nrf52832 +0 +41 +41 +RF_Module Raytac_MDBT50Q Multiprotocol radio SoC module https://www.raytac.com/download/index.php?index_id=43 wireless 2.4 GHz Bluetooth ble zigbee 802.15.4 thread nordic raytac nrf52840 nrf52833 @@ -87065,6 +87184,69 @@ rotary encoder 0 7 6 +Samacsys +322026030000TR +3220-26-0300-00-TR-1 +Connector +0 +26 +26 +Samacsys +8PCV02006 +8PCV-02-006-1 +Connector +0 +2 +2 +Samacsys +55551542 +5555154-2-2 +Connector +0 +8 +8 +Samacsys +518144002 +5-1814400-2-1 +Connector +0 +5 +5 +Samacsys +E5566Q0LK22L +E5566-Q0LK22-L +Connector +0 +6 +6 +Samacsys +NC6P10802 +NC6-P108-02-2 +Connector +0 +2 +2 +Samacsys +OKI78SR515W36HC +OKI-78SR-5/1.5-W36H-C-1 +Power Supply +0 +3 +3 +Samacsys +SOIC127P600X170-9N +P-HSOP-8-0405-1-27-002 +Integrated Circuit +0 +9 +9 +Samacsys +ST4ETB103 +ST-4ETB103-1 +Variable Resistor +0 +3 +3 Sensor ASAIR_AM2302_P2.54mm_Lead2.75mm_TabDown Temperature and humidity module, http://akizukidenshi.com/download/ds/aosong/AM2302.pdf @@ -87605,6 +87787,41 @@ LEM Hall Effect Voltage transducer 5 5 Snapeda +3557-15_FUSE_3557-15 + + +0 +4 +4 +Snapeda +3568_FUSE_3568 + + +0 +4 +4 +Snapeda +3588TR_FUSE_3588TR + + +0 +4 +4 +Snapeda +102010388_MODULE_102010388 + + +0 +14 +14 +Snapeda +ABX00053_MODULE_ABX00053 + + +0 +30 +30 +Snapeda BAT_2998TR @@ -87619,61 +87836,82 @@ BAT_BU2032SM-BT-GTR 2 2 Snapeda -CONV_R-78B5.0-2.0 +CP-12-8_ADI + +ADHV4702-1BCPZ +0 +13 +13 +Snapeda +DRV2700RGPT_QFN50P400X400X100-21N 0 -3 -3 +30 +30 Snapeda -CUI_CSS-I4B20-SMT +FUSE_3557-15 0 4 4 Snapeda -IC_BNO080 +FUSE_3568 0 -28 -28 +4 +4 Snapeda -IC_DRV8825_STEPPER_MOTOR_DRIVER_CARRIER +FUSE_3588TR 0 -16 -16 +4 +4 Snapeda -PCM12SMTR +MODULE_ABX00053 0 -7 -7 +30 +30 Snapeda -PQFN50P250X300X86-14N - +OKI-78SR-5_1.5-W36H-C_MUR +OKI-78SR-5/1.5-W36H-C 0 -14 -14 +3 +3 Snapeda -QFP80P900X900X120-32N +QFN50P400X400X100-21N 0 -32 -32 +30 +30 Snapeda -SOT-23-6 +SOT-23-5_MC_MCH-L +MCP73811T-420I/OT +0 +5 +5 +Snapeda +SOT-23-6_MC_MCH +MCP16251T-I/CH 0 6 6 +Snapeda +TSOT25-L2H_DIO-L + +AP3428KTTR-G1 +0 +5 +5 Socket 3M_Textool_240-1288-00-0602J_2x20_P2.54mm 3M 40-pin zero insertion force socket, though-hole, row spacing 25.4 mm (1000 mils) @@ -89061,6 +89299,167 @@ THT Terminal Block 4Ucon ItemNo. 10706 vertical pitch 3.5mm size 53.5x8.3mm^2 dr 15 15 TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x02_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +2 +2 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x03_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +3 +3 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x04_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +4 +4 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x05_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +5 +5 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x06_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +6 +6 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x07_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +7 +7 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x08_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +8 +8 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x09_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +9 +9 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x10_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +10 +10 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x11_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +11 +11 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x12_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +12 +12 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x13_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +13 +13 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x14_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +14 +14 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x15_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +15 +15 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x16_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +16 +16 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x17_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +17 +17 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x18_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +18 +18 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x19_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +19 +19 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x20_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +20 +20 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x21_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +21 +21 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x22_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +22 +22 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x23_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +23 +23 +TerminalBlock_Altech +Altech_AK100_1x24_P5.00mm +Altech AK100 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (https://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) +Altech AK100 serie connector +0 +24 +24 +TerminalBlock_Altech Altech_AK300_1x02_P5.00mm_45-Degree Altech AK300 serie terminal block (Script generated with StandardBox.py) (http://www.altechcorp.com/PDFS/PCBMETRC.PDF) Altech AK300 serie connector @@ -91651,6 +92050,76 @@ THT Terminal Block TE 282834-9 pitch 2.54mm size 23.32x6.5mm^2 drill 1.1mm pad 2 9 9 TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-502_2x02_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-502, 2 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-502 +THT +0 +4 +2 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-503_2x03_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-503, 3 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-503 +THT +0 +6 +3 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-504_2x04_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-504, 4 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-504 +THT +0 +8 +4 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-505_2x05_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-505, 5 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-505 +THT +0 +10 +5 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-506_2x06_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-506, 6 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-506 +THT +0 +12 +6 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-507_2x07_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-507, 7 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-507 +THT +0 +14 +7 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-508_2x08_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-508, 8 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-508 +THT +0 +16 +8 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-509_2x09_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-509, 9 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-509 +THT +0 +18 +9 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-510_2x10_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-510, 10 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-510 +THT +0 +20 +10 +TerminalBlock_WAGO +TerminalBlock_WAGO_233-512_2x12_P2.54mm +Terminal Block Wago 233-512, 12 pins, pitch 2.54 mm, https://www.wago.com/de/leiterplattenanschluss/klemmenleiste-fuer-leiterplatten/p/233-512 +THT +0 +24 +12 +TerminalBlock_WAGO TerminalBlock_WAGO_236-101_1x01_P5.00mm_45Degree Terminal Block WAGO 236-101, 45Degree (cable under 45degree), 1 pins, pitch 5mm, size 7.3x14mm^2, drill diamater 1.15mm, pad diameter 3mm, see , script-generated with , script-generated using https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/scripts/TerminalBlock_WAGO THT Terminal Block WAGO 236-101 45Degree pitch 5mm size 7.3x14mm^2 drill 1.15mm pad 3mm @@ -94458,91 +94927,70 @@ Varistor VF 2 2 fab -10-SOIC-EP_3.9x4.9mm_P1mm_EP2.41x3.3mm -SOIC, 8 Pin, fab version -SOIC fab -0 -11 -11 -fab -24-TSSOP-EP -TSSOP24: plastic thin shrink small outline package; 24 leads; body width 4.4 mm; (see NXP SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-REFLOW.pdf and sot355-1_po.pdf) -SSOP 0.65 +Battery-Holder_Coin-Cell_CR2032_Linx_BAT-HLD-001 +Keystone 3034 SMD battery holder for 2020, 2025 and 2032 coincell batteries. http://www.keyelco.com/product-pdf.cfm?p=798 +Keystone type 3034 coin cell retainer 0 -25 -25 +3 +2 fab -1022 - - +Bridge-Rectifier_DI_HD01-T +4-lead though-hole mounted DIP package, row spacing 7.62 mm (300 mils), SMDSocket, SmallPads +THT DIP DIL PDIP 2.54mm 7.62mm 300mil SMDSocket SmallPads 0 4 4 fab -Arduino_UNO_R3_WithMountingHoles -Arduino UNO R3, http://www.mouser.com/pdfdocs/Gravitech_Arduino_Nano3_0.pdf -Arduino UNO R3 -0 -32 -32 -fab -Arduino_UNO_Shield -Arduino UNO R3, http://www.mouser.com/pdfdocs/Gravitech_Arduino_Nano3_0.pdf -Arduino UNO R3 -0 -32 -32 -fab -Bridge_Rectifier_DI_HD01-T -4-lead though-hole mounted DIP package, row spacing 7.62 mm (300 mils), SMDSocket, SmallPads -THT DIP DIL PDIP 2.54mm 7.62mm 300mil SMDSocket SmallPads +Button_CUIDevices_TS04-66-43-BK-260-SMT_6.0x6.0mm +6 X 6 MM, 4.3 MM ACTUATOR HEIGHT +btn button tactile switch 0 4 4 fab -Button_C&K_PTS636_6x3.5mm -Light Touch Switch, https://industrial.panasonic.com/cdbs/www-data/pdf/ATK0000/ATK0000CE7.pdf - +Button_CnK_PTS636.0_6x3.5mm +Light Touch Switch +button btn switch touch 0 2 2 fab -Button_Omron_B3SN_6x6mm -Surface Mount Tactile Switch for High-Density Packaging -Tactile Switch +Button_ESwitch_TL3315NF100Q_4.5x4.5mm +E-Switch TL3315NF100Q +btn button tactile switch 0 4 -2 +4 fab -Buzzer_12x9.5RM7.6 -Generic Buzzer, D12mm height 9.5mm with RM7.6mm -buzzer +Button_Omron_B3SN_6.0x6.0mm +Surface Mount Tactile Switch for High-Density Packaging +Tactile Switch 0 -2 +4 2 fab -C1206-legacy - - +CP_Elec_D6.3mm_H6.1mm +SMD capacitor, aluminum electrolytic, Nichicon, 10.0x10.0mm +capacitor electrolytic 0 2 2 fab -C1206_legacy - - +CP_Elec_D8.0mm +SMD capacitor, aluminum electrolytic, Nichicon, 10.0x10.0mm +capacitor electrolytic 0 2 2 fab -CP_Elec_10x10mm +CP_Elec_D8.0mm_H16.0mm_TH_P3.5mm SMD capacitor, aluminum electrolytic, Nichicon, 10.0x10.0mm capacitor electrolytic 0 2 2 fab -CP_Elec_P3.5_D8mm +CP_Elec_D10.0mm SMD capacitor, aluminum electrolytic, Nichicon, 10.0x10.0mm capacitor electrolytic 0 @@ -94553,23 +95001,16 @@ CUIDevices_PJ-002AH-SMT-TR_PWRJack_2x5.5mm Power Barrel Connector Jack 2.00mm ID (0.079"), 5.50mm OD (0.217") Surface Mount power barrel connector jack surface mount smd smt 0 -4 +6 3 fab CUIDevices_PJ1-023-SMT-TR_PWRJack_0.7x2.35mm Power Barrel Connector Jack 2.00mm ID (0.079"), 5.50mm OD (0.217") Surface Mount power barrel connector jack surface mount smd smt 0 -5 +7 3 fab -CVS-1508 - - -0 -2 -2 -fab C_1206 Capacitor SMD 1206, hand soldering capacitor 1206 @@ -94577,16 +95018,37 @@ capacitor 1206 2 2 fab -Coin-Battery-Holder_Linx_BAT-HLD-001_D20mm -Keystone 3034 SMD battery holder for 2020, 2025 and 2032 coincell batteries. http://www.keyelco.com/product-pdf.cfm?p=798 -Keystone type 3034 coin cell retainer +Conn_BatteryClip_Keystone_555 +https://www.keyelco.com/userAssets/file/M65p10.pdf +connector battery smd 0 -3 2 +1 fab -Conn_StepStick +Conn_FFC_1x04_P1mm_SideEntry_GCT_FFC3B11-04-T +FFC Side Entry Connector 4POS 1mm Pitch +ffc fpc smd +0 +6 +4 +fab +Conn_Jack_Stereo_3.5mm_CUI_SJ-3523-SMT-TR +0 +5 +3 +fab +Conn_RCA_Jack_CUI_RCJ-011-SMT-TR +3.20mm ID, 9.00mm OD (RCA) Phono (RCA) Jack Mono Connector Solder +rca phono mono connector jack cui +0 +5 +2 +fab +Conn_StepStick +Generic StepStick socket +stepstick generic motor driver socket pinsocket 0 16 16 @@ -94598,23 +95060,51 @@ USB type A plain fab 4 4 fab -Crystal_NX5032GA-20 -20MHz ±50ppm Crystal 8pF 70 Ohms 2-SMD, No Lead -SMD SMT crystal hand-soldering +Conn_USB_A_Plug +Shielded USB Type A connector with through hole elements +USB type A plug 0 -2 -2 +14 +5 fab -D_1206 -LED SMD 1206, hand soldering -LED 1206 +Conn_USB_A_Socket_AdamTech_USB-A-S-RA-TSMT +USB-A (USB TYPE-A) USB 2.0 Receptacle Connector 4 Position Surface Mount, Right Angle +USB type A socket receptacle connector Adam Tech USB-A-S-RA-TSMT 0 -2 -2 +8 +5 fab -Diode_Schotky_100V_1A_Mini_SMA - - +Conn_USB_C_Socket_GCT_USB4125-GF-A-0190 +USB-C (USB TYPE-C) Receptacle Connector Power Only, Position Surface Mount, Right Angle, Through Hole +USB type C socket receptacle connector GCT USB4125-GF-A-0190 +0 +14 +7 +fab +Conn_USB_C_Socket_Molex_2171790001 +USB-C (USB TYPE-C) USB 2.0 Receptacle Connector 24 (16+8 Dummy) Position Surface Mount, Right Angle, Through Hole, Molex 2171790001 +USB type C socket receptacle connector Molex +0 +26 +17 +fab +Conn_USB_microB_Socket_WurthElektronik_629105136821 +Micro USB B socket connector SMD +usb microb smd 629105136821 +0 +11 +5 +fab +Conn_USB_miniB_Socket_CUIDevices_UJ2-MBH-1-SMT-TR +Micro USB B socket connector SMD +usb microb smd 629105136821 +0 +11 +5 +fab +Crystal_NX5032GA-20 +20MHz ±50ppm Crystal 8pF 70 Ohms 2-SMD, No Lead +SMD SMT crystal hand-soldering 0 2 2 @@ -94640,12 +95130,12 @@ Single 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth combo chip 39 39 fab -Fab_Lab_logo - - -0 -0 +HSOP-8 +HSOP-8 +hsop-8 smd 0 +9 +9 fab HTSSOP-16 @@ -94675,12 +95165,12 @@ Header_JST_PH_1x04_P2mm_Vertical_SMD 6 4 fab -IC_DRV8825_STEPPER_MOTOR_DRIVER_CARRIER +Header_JST_SH_1x04_P1mm_Vertical_SMD 0 -16 -16 +6 +4 fab LED_1206 LED SMD 1206, hand soldering @@ -94689,6 +95179,20 @@ LED 1206 2 2 fab +LED_ADDR_Worldsemi_WS2812 +SMD footprint for Worldsemi WS2812 addressable LED +neopixel led addressable smd +0 +6 +6 +fab +LED_ADDR_Worldsemi_WS2812B +SMD footprint for Worldsemi WS2812B addressable LED +neopixel led addressable smd +0 +4 +4 +fab LED_Luminus_1206 @@ -94696,7 +95200,7 @@ LED_Luminus_1206 2 2 fab -LED_RGB_Cree_CLV1A-FKB_3.2x2.8mm +LED_RGB_CreeLED_CLV1A-FKB RGB LED 3.2x2.7mm http://www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-0610EN LED 3227 0 @@ -94745,40 +95249,54 @@ RN4871 BLE 16 16 fab -MountingHole_2.5mm +Module_Bluetooth_Microchip_RN4871 0 +16 +16 +fab +Module_LoRa_Seeed_109990166 +General ISM < 1GHz LoRaâ„¢ Transceiver Module 868MHz Surface Mount +lora module rf rxtx 0 +32 +16 +fab +Module_Pololu_VL53L1X +Module Pololu Corporation VL53L1X TOF DISTANCE SNSR W/VREG +module tof distance sensor 0 +9 +7 fab -MountingHole_2mm +MountingHole_2.5mm 0 -0 +1 0 fab -MountingHole_3mm +MountingHole_2mm 0 -0 +1 0 fab -OSH_small +MountingHole_3mm 0 -0 +1 0 fab -Optical_Sensor_200cm_I2C_VL53L0X -Small footprint laser rangefinder with 200cm range -laser rangefinder lidar +PLCC-4 +RGB LED 3.2x2.7mm http://www.avagotech.com/docs/AV02-0610EN +LED 3227 0 -12 -12 +4 +4 fab PinHeader_1x01_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf @@ -94885,13 +95403,6 @@ Through hole pin header THT 1x05 2.54mm single row 5 5 fab -PinHeader_1x05_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm_mod -Through hole straight pin header, 1x05, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 1x05 2.54mm single row -0 -5 -5 -fab PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm @@ -94955,174 +95466,6 @@ Through hole pin header THT 1x08 2.54mm single row 8 8 fab -PinHeader_1x09_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -9 -9 -fab -PinHeader_1x09_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -9 -9 -fab -PinHeader_1x09_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -9 -9 -fab -PinHeader_1x10_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -10 -10 -fab -PinHeader_1x10_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -10 -10 -fab -PinHeader_1x10_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -10 -10 -fab -PinHeader_1x11_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -11 -11 -fab -PinHeader_1x11_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -11 -11 -fab -PinHeader_1x11_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -11 -11 -fab -PinHeader_1x12_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -12 -12 -fab -PinHeader_1x12_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -12 -12 -fab -PinHeader_1x12_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -12 -12 -fab -PinHeader_1x13_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -13 -13 -fab -PinHeader_1x13_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -13 -13 -fab -PinHeader_1x13_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -13 -13 -fab -PinHeader_1x14_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -14 -14 -fab -PinHeader_1x14_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -14 -14 -fab -PinHeader_1x14_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -14 -14 -fab -PinHeader_1x15_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -datasheet: https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -15 -15 -fab -PinHeader_1x15_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -15 -15 -fab -PinHeader_1x15_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -15 -15 -fab -PinHeader_1x16_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm -0 -16 -16 -fab -PinHeader_1x16_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1.4mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -16 -16 -fab -PinHeader_1x16_P2.54mm_Vertical_THT_D1mm -Through hole straight pin header, 2.54mm pitch, single row -Through hole pin header THT 2.54mm single row -0 -16 -16 -fab PinHeader_2x02_P1.27mm_Vertical_SMD surface-mounted straight pin header, 2x02, 1.27mm pitch, double rows Surface mounted pin header SMD 2x02 1.27mm double row @@ -95158,13 +95501,6 @@ Surface mounted pin header SMD 2x02 2.54mm double row 4 4 fab -PinHeader_2x02_SWD_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD_silk -surface-mounted straight pin header, 2x02, 2.54mm pitch, double rows -Surface mounted pin header SMD 2x02 2.54mm double row -0 -4 -4 -fab PinHeader_2x03_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD surface-mounted straight pin header, 2x03, 2.54mm pitch, double rows Surface mounted pin header SMD 2x03 2.54mm double row @@ -95207,20 +95543,48 @@ Surface mounted pin header SMD 2x05 2.54mm double row 10 10 fab -PinHeader_FTDI_01x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf +PinSocket_1x02_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD +Pin socket, 2.54mm pitch, horizontal, surface mount horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm 0 -6 -6 +2 +2 fab -PinHeader_UPDI_01x02_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm +PinSocket_1x02_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD +https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Sullins%20PDFs/NPxCxx1KFXx-RC%2010487-D.pdf +vertical pin socket SMD 2.54mm 0 2 2 fab +PinSocket_1x03_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD +https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Sullins%20PDFs/NPxCxx1KFXx-RC%2010487-D.pdf +vertical pin socket SMD 2.54mm +0 +3 +3 +fab +PinSocket_1x04_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD +https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Sullins%20PDFs/NPxCxx1KFXx-RC%2010487-D.pdf +vertical pin socket SMD 2.54mm +0 +4 +4 +fab +PinSocket_1x05_P2.54mm_Vertical_SMD +https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Sullins%20PDFs/NPxCxx1KFXx-RC%2010487-D.pdf +vertical pin socket SMD 2.54mm +0 +5 +5 +fab +PinSocket_1x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD +Horizontal 6 pos pin socket +horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm +0 +6 +6 +fab Potentiometer_TT_Model-23_4.5x5.0x3.0mm http://www.comkey.in/sites/default/files/attachments/EVM3ESX50B15.pdf trimmer smd @@ -95235,19 +95599,12 @@ QFN-32_EP_5x5_Pitch0.5mm 36 33 fab -QFP80P900X900X120-32N +QFN-56_EP_7x7_Pitch0.4mm 0 -32 -32 -fab -QFP80P900X900X120-32N-mod - - -0 -32 -32 +57 +57 fab Q_1206 Transistor SMD 1206, hand soldering @@ -95256,20 +95613,6 @@ transistor photo 1206 2 2 fab -R1206_legacy - - -0 -2 -2 -fab -RPi_Pico_SMD_TH_mod -Through hole straight pin header, 2x20, 2.54mm pitch, double rows -Through hole pin header THT 2x20 2.54mm double row -0 -40 -40 -fab R_1206 Resistor SMD 1206, hand soldering resistor 1206 @@ -95284,9 +95627,44 @@ resistor 2010 2 2 fab +RaspberryPi_PicoW_Combined +Footprint for Raspberry Pi Pico W, SMD and THT Combined +raspberry pi pico w smd tht combined +0 +80 +40 +fab +RaspberryPi_PicoW_SocketSMD +Footprint for Raspberry Pi Pico W, SMD socket (female header) +raspberry pi pico w smd socket +0 +40 +40 +fab +RaspberryPi_PicoW_SocketTHT +Footprint for Raspberry Pi Pico W, THT Socket +raspberry pi pico w tht socket +0 +40 +40 +fab +SMD-4_4.78x6.4mm_P2.54mm + + +0 +4 +4 +fab SOD-123 SOD-123 SOD-123 +0 +2 +2 +fab +SOD-123T + + 0 2 2 @@ -95305,6 +95683,13 @@ SOIC 1.27 9 9 fab +SOIC-10-EP_3.9x4.9mm_P1.0mm_EP2.41x3.3mm +SOIC, 8 Pin, fab version +SOIC fab +0 +11 +11 +fab SOIC-14_3.9x8.7mm_P1.27mm SOIC, 14 Pin, fab version SOIC fab @@ -95312,6 +95697,13 @@ SOIC fab 14 14 fab +SOIC-16 +HTSSOP-16 +HTSSOP-16 SMD +0 +17 +16 +fab SOIC-20_7.5x12.8mm_P1.27mm SOIC, 20 Pin, fab version SOIC fab @@ -95319,6 +95711,13 @@ SOIC fab 20 20 fab +SOIC-28 + + +0 +29 +29 +fab SOT-23 SOT-23, Standard SOT-23 @@ -95326,6 +95725,13 @@ SOT-23 3 3 fab +SOT-23-3 +SOT-23-3, Standard +SOT-23-3 +0 +3 +3 +fab SOT-23-5 5-pin SOT23 package SOT-23-5 hand-soldering @@ -95361,54 +95767,68 @@ SSOP-16_3.9x4.9_P0.65mm 16 16 fab -STEPSTICK_TMC2130 - - +ST_VL53L0X +Small footprint laser rangefinder with 200cm range +laser rangefinder lidar 0 -16 -16 +12 +12 +fab +SeeedStudio_XIAO_ESP32C3 +Footprint for Seeed Studio XIAO modules +xiao seeed studio module +0 +37 +23 +fab +SeeedStudio_XIAO_ESP32S3 +Footprint for Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 module +xiao seeed studio module +0 +39 +25 fab SeeedStudio_XIAO_RP2040 Footprint for Seeed Studio XIAO modules xiao seeed studio module 0 -20 +34 20 fab -Socket_FTDI_01x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm +SeeedStudio_XIAO_SocketSMD +Footprint for Seeed Studio XIAO modules, SMD socket (female header) +xiao seeed studio module socket female header 0 -6 -6 +14 +14 fab -Socket_FTDI_01x06_P2.54mm_Horizontal_SMD_mod -https://s3.amazonaws.com/catalogspreads-pdf/PAGE112-113%20.100%20MALE%20HDR.pdf -horizontal pin header SMD 2.54mm +Sensor_Accelerometer_ADXL343 + + 0 -6 -6 +14 +14 fab -Switch_SPDT_C&K_AYZ0102AGRLC_7.2x3mm_P2.5mm -http://www.ckswitches.com/media/1422/js.pdf -switch spdt +Sensor_Color_RGBW +RGBW COLOR SENSOR I2C INTERFACE +color sensor rgbw custom 0 -3 -3 +4 +4 fab -Switch_SPDT_C&K_JS102011JCQN_9x3.6mm_P2.5mm +Switch_Slide_RightAngle_CnK_AYZ0102AGRLC_7.2x3mm http://www.ckswitches.com/media/1422/js.pdf -switch spdt +switch spdt right angle slide 0 3 3 fab -TFT_ST7735 - - +Switch_Slide_Top_CnK_JS102011JCQN_8.5x3.5mm +https://www.ckswitches.com/media/1422/js.pdf +switch slide top spdt smd 0 -10 -10 +3 +3 fab TO-252 TO-252 Package @@ -95417,6 +95837,13 @@ DPAK TO-252 DPAK-3 3 3 fab +TO-263-3 +Intended for high power dissipation +TO-263 +0 +6 +3 +fab TQFP-32_7x7mm_P0.8mm 32-Lead Plastic Thin Quad Flatpack (PT) - 7x7x1.0 mm Body, 2.00 mm [TQFP] (see Microchip Packaging Specification 00000049BS.pdf) QFP 0.8 @@ -95438,6 +95865,20 @@ TSOT-23-5 Hand-soldering 5 5 fab +TSOT-23-6 +6-pin TSOT23 package +TSOT-23-6 +0 +6 +6 +fab +TSSOP-24-EP +TSSOP24: plastic thin shrink small outline package; 24 leads; body width 4.4 mm; (see NXP SSOP-TSSOP-VSO-REFLOW.pdf and sot355-1_po.pdf) +SSOP 0.65 +0 +25 +25 +fab TerminalBlock_OnShore_1x02_P3.50mm_Horizontal 2 Position Wire to Board Terminal Block Horizontal with Board 0.138" (3.50mm) Through Hole THT Terminal Block pitch 3.5mm @@ -95459,19 +95900,12 @@ THT Terminal Block pitch 3.5mm 3 3 fab -USB_Micro-B_Molex-105017-0001_mod -http://www.molex.com/pdm_docs/sd/1050170001_sd.pdf -Micro-USB SMD Typ-B -0 -13 -6 -fab -USB_Mini-B_Wuerth_65100516121_Horizontal-mod -Mini USB 2.0 Type B SMT Horizontal 5 Contacts (https://katalog.we-online.de/em/datasheet/65100516121.pdf) -Mini USB 2.0 Type B +UCBUS_MODULE + + 0 -9 -6 +35 +35 fab VFLGA-8_2x2.5mm LGA-8 @@ -95480,170 +95914,9 @@ lga land grid array 8 8 fab -WE_629105136821 -WR-COM SMT Horizontal 5 Contacts Micro USB Type B, 5 pins - -0 -7 -6 -fab WSON-8_2x2mm_P0.5mm_EP0.9x1.6mm 8-Lead Plastic WSON, 2x2mm Body, 0.5mm Pitch, WSON-8, http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm27761.pdf WSON 8 1EP 0 9 9 -fab -cba - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -cba_logo - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -disk_capa - - -0 -1 -1 -fab -fab-6MM_SWITCH -OMRON SWITCH -OMRON SWITCH -0 -4 -4 -fab -fab-ESP32-WROOM-mod - - -0 -39 -39 -fab -fab-LED1206FAB -LED1206 FAB STYLE (SMALLER PADS TO ALLOW TRACE BETWEEN) -LED1206 FAB STYLE (SMALLER PADS TO ALLOW TRACE BETWEEN) -0 -2 -2 -fab -fab-LED1206FAB-legacy -LED1206 FAB STYLE (SMALLER PADS TO ALLOW TRACE BETWEEN) -LED1206 FAB STYLE (SMALLER PADS TO ALLOW TRACE BETWEEN) -0 -2 -2 -fab -fab-logo-bright - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -fab-slideswitch_vertical_smd -surface-mounted straight pin header, 1x03, 2.54mm pitch, single row, style 1 (pin 1 left) -Surface mounted pin header SMD 1x03 2.54mm single row style1 pin1 left -0 -3 -3 -fab -fab23 - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -fablab - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -molex_SL_70634 - - -0 -5 -5 -fab -molex_SL_70634_4 - - -0 -4 -4 -fab -pad_piano_round - - -0 -1 -1 -fab -pot_thru - - -0 -3 -3 -fab -qr_code - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -qr_serial - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -qr_summary - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -qr_swd - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -qr_swd_adatper - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -qr_updi - - -0 -0 -0 -fab -tab - - -0 -0 -0 diff --git a/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_prl b/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_prl index 0c9b57c245248355cc15ec823d016b7877db7fcb..1021b6c8aab9104632a95ede1ef4460970e04530 100644 --- a/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_prl +++ b/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_prl @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ 9, 10, 11, - 12, 13, 15, 16, diff --git a/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_sch b/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_sch index 56c6c03b53dc9da5727dafba58fe889a43f07a05..8ad9ba62826d0a4a5b05edc3313f84428ced768e 100644 --- a/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_sch +++ b/pcb/hexcell/hexcell.kicad_sch @@ -249,6 +249,444 @@ ) ) ) + (symbol "SnapEDA2:AP3428KTTR-G1" + (pin_names + (offset 0.254) + ) + (exclude_from_sim no) + (in_bom yes) + (on_board yes) + (property "Reference" "U" + (at 20.32 10.16 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.524 1.524) + ) + ) + ) + (property "Value" "AP3428KTTR-G1" + (at 20.32 7.62 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.524 1.524) + ) + ) + ) + (property "Footprint" "Snapeda:TSOT25-L2H_DIO" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + (italic yes) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (property "Datasheet" "AP3428KTTR-G1" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + (italic yes) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (property "Description" "" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (property "ki_locked" "" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + (property "ki_keywords" "AP3428KTTR-G1" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (property "ki_fp_filters" "TSOT25-L2H_DIO TSOT25-L2H_DIO-M TSOT25-L2H_DIO-L" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (symbol "AP3428KTTR-G1_0_1" + (polyline + (pts + (xy 7.62 -10.16) (xy 33.02 -10.16) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (polyline + (pts + (xy 7.62 5.08) (xy 7.62 -10.16) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (polyline + (pts + (xy 33.02 -10.16) (xy 33.02 5.08) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (polyline + (pts + (xy 33.02 5.08) (xy 7.62 5.08) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (pin input line + (at 0 0 0) + (length 7.62) + (name "EN" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + (number "1" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + ) + (pin power_out line + (at 0 -2.54 0) + (length 7.62) + (name "GND" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + (number "2" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + ) + (pin unspecified line + (at 40.64 -5.08 180) + (length 7.62) + (name "LX" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + (number "3" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + ) + (pin unspecified line + (at 40.64 -2.54 180) + (length 7.62) + (name "VIN" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + (number "4" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + ) + (pin unspecified line + (at 40.64 0 180) + (length 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"MCP73811T-420I/OT" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (property "ki_fp_filters" "SOT-23-5_MC_MCH SOT-23-5_MC_MCH-M SOT-23-5_MC_MCH-L" + (at 0 0 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (symbol "MCP73811T-420I_OT_0_1" + (polyline + (pts + (xy 7.62 -10.16) (xy 48.26 -10.16) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (polyline + (pts + (xy 7.62 5.08) (xy 7.62 -10.16) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (polyline + (pts + (xy 48.26 -10.16) (xy 48.26 5.08) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (polyline + (pts + (xy 48.26 5.08) (xy 7.62 5.08) + ) + (stroke + (width 0.127) + (type default) + ) + (fill + (type none) + ) + ) + (pin unspecified line + (at 0 0 0) + (length 7.62) + (name "CE" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + (number "1" + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) 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"dc2ccf7c-7631-4bef-8c27-bdaaef2eaa4b") + ) (wire (pts (xy 118.11 60.96) (xy 125.73 60.96) @@ -3158,6 +3600,16 @@ ) (uuid "58bfb9ea-1e79-45b7-9375-e1ba234a3edd") ) + (wire + (pts + (xy 246.38 134.62) (xy 254 134.62) + ) + (stroke + (width 0) + (type default) + ) + (uuid "5d23a399-cb8a-41bd-9d93-70bc7c1d4fa2") + ) (wire (pts (xy 113.03 147.32) (xy 115.57 147.32) @@ -3240,13 +3692,23 @@ ) (wire (pts - (xy 158.75 53.34) (xy 158.75 63.5) + (xy 158.75 53.34) (xy 158.75 63.5) + ) + (stroke + (width 0) + (type default) + ) + (uuid "8b9f27a9-2188-4f28-90b6-a7f387b673ae") + ) + (wire + (pts + (xy 269.24 133.35) (xy 269.24 132.08) ) (stroke (width 0) (type default) ) - (uuid "8b9f27a9-2188-4f28-90b6-a7f387b673ae") + (uuid "92c28480-f341-4d0a-b237-3c3eb519239c") ) (wire (pts @@ -3338,6 +3800,16 @@ ) (uuid "b91963b1-400e-475e-96a3-c70b794baf08") ) + (wire + (pts + (xy 269.24 132.08) (xy 246.38 132.08) + ) + (stroke + (width 0) + (type default) + ) + (uuid "b9a03a30-7aff-48a0-ac2d-76fd8a56d6ff") + ) (wire (pts (xy 53.34 87.63) (xy 53.34 83.82) @@ -3556,6 +4028,28 @@ ) ) ) + (global_label "V_BAT_3V" + (shape input) + (at 254 134.62 0) + (fields_autoplaced yes) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (justify left) + ) + (uuid "6bb37a45-f838-41c4-adb2-1f6b7cc561fa") + (property "Intersheetrefs" "${INTERSHEET_REFS}" + (at 265.6333 134.62 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (justify left) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + ) (global_label "V_BAT_3V" (shape input) (at 62.23 113.03 90) @@ -4039,6 +4533,72 @@ ) ) ) + (symbol + (lib_id "power:GND") + (at 269.24 133.35 0) + (unit 1) + (exclude_from_sim no) + (in_bom yes) + (on_board yes) + (dnp no) + (fields_autoplaced yes) + (uuid "245d7412-d61f-43ee-ad5e-aac52a2db50e") + (property "Reference" "#PWR05" + (at 269.24 139.7 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + (hide yes) + ) + ) + (property "Value" "GND" + (at 269.24 138.43 0) + (effects + (font + (size 1.27 1.27) + ) + ) + ) + (property "Footprint" "" + (at 269.24 133.35 0) + 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